
[Java] Dependency management in Gradle

2020-12-31 C.H. Ling 0

Dependency management is one of the topic in package management to ensure dependent library (jar / dll / etc) is no interference between each other and it caused compatibility problem. Besides, it can detect vulnerability […]


[Java] Set auto reconnect in Spring data JPA

2020-12-22 C.H. Ling 0

To ensure service availability, Most application nee to restart service to resume. However, auto reconnect is a must requirement to ensure it can self-heal. For Spring data JPA, it can be done without alter code.

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[Linux] Setup service dependency

2020-11-27 C.H. Ling 0

For some service, it might have some inter-dependency on other background service. In order to setup it’s relationship, it need to alter the service file as below.

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[Docker] Common Operational Command

2020-11-23 C.H. Ling 0

There is high frequency using docker to test applications and variant projects. To ensure the efficient of maintain these commands, I created a post and update it regularly.

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