
[WCF] Performace Optimization

2021-12-07 C.H. Ling 0

For legacy .net framework application, which OS dependent and difficult to host in containerized platform. As result, it cannot improve performance and availibility by auto scaling. In order to optimize it, there are several parts […]


[MySQL] Generate data dictionary

2021-11-30 C.H. Ling 6

Data dictionary is one of the document to present data content. It majorly used in ETL to ensure data capture correctly. In MySQL, data dictionary can generate with MySQL workbench plugin. This demo will show […]


[MySQL] Generate ERD in MySQL workbench

2021-11-30 C.H. Ling 0

To present the solution design, Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is still one of the common diagram to present data and its relationship. But it is the nightmary if draw it as it is complicated and human […]


[Java] Remove empty items in List

2021-11-12 C.H. Ling 0

For Removing empty item in list, it can be be done directly. When using method removeIf(), it will throw UnSupportOperationException . It caused by collection items cannot be removed.


[Jenkins] Warning in pipeline

2021-09-21 C.H. Ling 0

It is usual when running pipeline, it will expect to continue even execute failure. Previously, need to use try..catch and change currentBuild.currentResult to unstable (Originally it can set as SUCCESS, FAILURE, UNSTABLE). Since Jenkine 2.26, […]

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