
[Virtualization] XCP-NG

2022-11-18 C.H. Ling 0

It is common on deploy application in cloud platform. However, for some business reason (e.g. cost, security, legal, hardware constrain, etc), virtualization on premises still have its value. XCP-ng is free and open source edition […]

Cloud Computing 雲端服務

Cloud Design Pattern – Ambassador

2022-11-15 C.H. Ling 0

Ambassador is one of the Separation of Concern (SoC) implementation. In cloud platform, functional features (e.g. Business logic) and non-functional features (e.g. retry / queue / etc) are implement in multi-containers: main application and proxy.


[Kubernetes] Install Kubernetes in Ubuntu Linux

2022-08-08 C.H. Ling 1

There are different platforms to run Kubernetes (K8S) nowadays. In cloud, we can consider AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, Azure Kubernetes Service, or we can install Talos in on-premise infrastructure as quick win solution. However, actually […]

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[Powershell] Generate new UUID

2022-04-22 C.H. Ling 0

UUID is one of the famous format to unique identify object. When need to write unit test or mock data, we need to pre-generate a set of UUID for testing. This PowerShell script enable us […]


[Solidity] String comparison

2022-03-06 C.H. Ling 0

Compare with other programming language, string comparison cannot be done with == or != in Solidity. It is because Solidity do not support operator natively. To doing so, it needs workaround.

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