[Jenkins] Warning in pipeline

2021-09-21 C.H. Ling 0

It is usual when running pipeline, it will expect to continue even execute failure. Previously, need to use try..catch and change currentBuild.currentResult to unstable (Originally it can set as SUCCESS, FAILURE, UNSTABLE). Since Jenkine 2.26, […]

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[Jenkins] Pipeline options in jenkinsfile

2021-08-16 C.H. Ling 0

Normally, Jenkins pipeline settings can done in UI. However, it cannot be version control if settings changed. Actually, version control can implement in decorative pipeline in jenkinsfile. In this example, it will setup schedule to […]


[Jenkins] Get credential in pipeline

2020-09-21 C.H. Ling 0

No matter what kind of program, hard-code sensitive information is not a recommend approach. In Jenkins, credentials can store in its own credential store and fetch in pipeline.