
[IntelliJ] Create custom code snippet

2024-03-28 C.H. Ling 0

To standardize code style among different project and teams, snippet is one of the tools to implement coding standard. However, snippet is the two-side blade for developer. It will introduce duplicate code and result difficult […]


[MySQL] Generate data dictionary

2021-11-30 C.H. Ling 6

Data dictionary is one of the document to present data content. It majorly used in ETL to ensure data capture correctly. In MySQL, data dictionary can generate with MySQL workbench plugin. This demo will show […]


[Visual Studio] Snippet Designer

2017-05-15 C.H. Ling 0

早前介紹過Snippet 在IDE中如何加快開發速度, 然而, 之前的tools 須要靠第三方exe 才可使用, 若在IDE 開發環境中有點不點. 今次介紹的是Visual Studio 中的Add-in, 可以讓開發者直接在IDE中自定Snippet.


[Visual Studio] 於 built project 後自動建立 NuGet package

2017-03-30 C.H. Ling 0

Package 是指一堆已打包的Library, 要叫用時, 則須要將整個package 透過某些 hosting (Repository) 下載並放於自己的project 中叫用, Web development中, 最常見的Repository 為 NPM, 而Java 則主要是Gradle 和Maven. 而在.net 中, 通常都會使用 NuGet.

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