[Electron] 於Visual Studio 建立 Electron Project

Electron 是一套建基以 Node.js 作back-end 和 Chromium 作front-end 的軟件框架. 最大的好處是可以利用JavaScript 建立Desktop Application, 同時亦可以利用npm 大量的 repository. 網上的教學主要都集中在如何利用Visual Studio Code 那邊. 但其實Visual Studio 2017 都可以做到.方法如下:

  1. 確定自己有安裝Node.js, 沒有的話, 請到 https://nodejs.org/en/ 下載及安裝.
  2. 建立Node.js project.
    開啟 Visual Studio > File > New Project, 於 JavaScript 中選取Blank Node.js Console Application, 並輸入Project name 後按OK.
  3. 開啟npm package manager.
    Solution Explorer 中選取 npm, 按右鍵開啟 Install New npm Packages.
  4. 安裝Electron.
    於 text box 輸入Electron, 然後於下邊的list box 選取electron, 之後按Install Package.
  5. 從Github 下載Sample code. 並加到Project 中.
  6. 設定stratup file.
    Solution Explorer 中選取 main.js, 按右鍵並選取 Set as Node.js Startup File.
  7. 設定Project property.
    於Project Property 中, 進行以下設定:

    Property Value Remarks
    Node.exe path %Project_Path%\node_modules\electron\dist\electron.exe 執行時叫用electron.exe 
    Node.exe option –inspect-brk 使debugger 可以辯認break point.

  8. 進行測式.
    按F5 執行project, 正常會彈出Console, 將顯示的URL 複制.
  9. 開啟 Desktop Application.
    於瀏覽器中開啟URL, 會彈出application.



About C.H. Ling 260 Articles
a .net / Java developer from Hong Kong and currently located in United Kingdom. Thanks for Google because it solve many technical problems so I build this blog as return. Besides coding and trying advance technology, hiking and traveling is other favorite to me, so I will write down something what I see and what I feel during it. Happy reading!!!

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