[JavaScript] Function Parameter 預設值.

部份programming language 寫function call 時可以支援default value, 可惜JavaScript不能. 故須要特別處理.

function alertDialog(message, title, okCallBack)
        message=typeof message !== 'undefinded'? message: "";
        title=typeof title!=='undefinded'? title: "Dialog";
        okCallBack=typeof okCallBack!=='undefined'? okCallBack: function (dialogRef) {

            title: title,
            message: message,
            buttons: [{
                label: '<U>O</U>K',
                hotkey: 79, // Keycode of keyup event of key 'o' is 79.
                action: okCallBack


About C.H. Ling 260 Articles
a .net / Java developer from Hong Kong and currently located in United Kingdom. Thanks for Google because it solve many technical problems so I build this blog as return. Besides coding and trying advance technology, hiking and traveling is other favorite to me, so I will write down something what I see and what I feel during it. Happy reading!!!

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