[UX] User Experience Lifecycle

之前買了本關於UX的書, 果然介面設計也好有學問, 除了須要有technical background 外, design sense 又少不得, 難怪會有UX designer 這個工種.

其實UX Life Cycle 有點像software engineering 的SDLC, 有好多不同的流派, 但主要都有以下程序:

  1. User Research (使用者研究)
    鎖定使用者, 並研究其行為模式(User Behavior), 為之後的設計定下基礎.
  2. Scenario Design (情境設計)
    基於不同使用者及其行為, 決定不同的故事(Storyboard), 以決定介面如何能夠幫助user解決storyboard 中的問題.
  3. UI / Interaction Simulation (介面/互動模擬)
    基於Storyboard, 開始設計UI, 可以利圖像或模型(Prototype)將其present 出來.
  4. User Involved (使用者導入)
    找user 嘗試, 理解能否解決問題, 並收集回饋 (feedback).
  5. Continuous Improvement (持續優化)
    研究收到的feedback, 改善介面.


“打造成功UI / UX 的50個關鍵”,  彭其捷, 博碩出版社

About C.H. Ling 260 Articles
a .net / Java developer from Hong Kong and currently located in United Kingdom. Thanks for Google because it solve many technical problems so I build this blog as return. Besides coding and trying advance technology, hiking and traveling is other favorite to me, so I will write down something what I see and what I feel during it. Happy reading!!!

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