在正常情況下, 當WPF datagrid bind abstract class 時, 只會顯示該abstract class 內容, 而implement 的attribute 則不會出現. 這是因為這個binding 過程乃在compile time 進行而非run-time 進行. 若要實現的話, 則須要進行部份設置.
XAML 設定, 當欄更新時觸發事件.
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="True" LoadingRow="DataGrid_LoadingRow"> </DataGrid>
Code-behind, 將DataContext 每個property 重新放到UI 中.
private void DataGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e) { var dg = sender as DataGrid; var pis = e.Row.DataContext.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var pi in pis) { // Check if this property already has a column in the datagrid string name = pi.Name; var q = dg.Columns.Where(_ => _.SortMemberPath == name); if (!q.Any()) { // No column matches, so add one DataGridTextColumn c = new DataGridTextColumn(); c.Header = name; c.SortMemberPath = name; System.Windows.Data.Binding b = new Binding(name); c.Binding = b; // All columns don't apply to all items in the list // So, we need to disable the cells that aren't applicable // We'll use a converter on the IsEnabled property of the cell b = new Binding(); b.Converter = new ReadOnlyConverter(); b.ConverterParameter = name; // aa b.ValidatesOnDataErrors = true; // Can't apply it directly, so we have to make a style that applies it Style s = new Style(typeof(DataGridCell)); s.Setters.Add(new Setter(DataGridCell.IsEnabledProperty, b)); // Add a trigger to the style to color the background when disabled var dt = new DataTrigger() { Binding = b, Value = false }; dt.Setters.Add(new Setter(DataGridCell.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.Silver)); s.Triggers.Add(dt); c.CellStyle = s; // Add the column to the datagrid dg.Columns.Add(c); } } }
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